Why Dental Hygiene is Important For Pets

At Johnstown Veterinary Associates in Johnstown, PA, we understand the importance of your pet's dental health. Just like humans, pets need regular dental care to prevent discomfort, serious health issues, and unnecessary pain.

The Importance of Pet Dental Hygiene

Dental hygiene is essential for pets for many of the same reasons it's vital for us. If left untreated, poor dental care can lead to a variety of problems, including pain, bad breath, and loose teeth. These issues can significantly impact your pet's quality of life.

Understanding Plaque and Tartar Buildup

Dental problems often begin with plaque, a sticky film that forms on your pet's teeth when food particles and bacteria mix. When plaque isn't removed regularly through brushing or dental chews, it hardens into tartar. This hardened substance can irritate the gums and create the perfect environment for periodontal disease, a serious infection that attacks the gums and supporting bone structure.

Periodontal disease, if left untreated, can lead to tooth decay, loose teeth, and even cavities. Additionally, bacteria from the infected mouth can enter the bloodstream and potentially damage the heart, lungs, kidneys, and liver.

Maintaining Good Pet Dental Health

To prevent these issues, it's crucial to establish a good dental hygiene routine for your pet. Ideally, you should brush your pet's teeth daily with a pet-safe toothpaste. Dental treats and toys designed to promote chewing can also help remove plaque buildup.

Annual Dental Exams and Cleanings

In addition to at-home care, it's vital to schedule annual dental exams and cleanings with your veterinarian. During this exam, your veterinarian will perform a thorough cleaning under anesthesia to remove tartar buildup, especially in hard-to-reach areas like under the gumline. Dental x-rays may also be taken to check for any abnormalities or hidden problems. Following the cleaning, your pet's teeth will be polished to remove any remaining crevices where food particles can become lodged.

Schedule an Appointment with Johnstown Veterinary Associates

If you're looking for a veterinarian near you in Johnstown, PA, to care for your pet's dental health and overall well-being, contact Johnstown Veterinary Associates at (814) 536-5105. Our friendly staff is always happy to answer your questions and help you schedule an appointment.
